News & Events

29 Nov 2019


Weekly Briefing (Nov. 22-28)


  • The Chinese Academy of Sciences has added 64 Chinese nationals and 20 foreign experts. Ma Lan, the professor from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, has been elected as a CAS academician.

  • A group led by Prof. Gao Chunlei in collaboration with Prof. Wu Shiwei and Prof. Xu Xiaodong has found thebilayer CrBr3 grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has two kinds of stacking order with different layer twisting angles: R-type stacking structure, where the adjacent layers are oriented in the same direction, and H-type stacking structure, where the adjacent layers are oriented in the opposite direction. The result has been published in Science on Nov. 22.


  • The transmembrane channel-like (TMC) 1 and 2 genes have been proved to be the auditory transduction ion channels in the cochlea hair cells in the joint research of teams led by Prof. Yan Zhiqiang (School of Life Sciences, Fudan University), Prof. Motoyuki Hattori (School of Life Sciences, Fudan University) and Prof. Osamu Nureki (Tokyo University). The study was published in Neuron on Nov. 21.


  • Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) have been proved to predict patient chemoradiation responses by generating a PDO biobank from patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). The study, led by Prof. Zhang Zhen and Researcher Hua Guoqiang from Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, was published in Cell Stem Cell on Nov. 21.


  • On Nov. 22, the Signing Ceremony of Shanghai Forum 2020 & Asia Research Center and the 1st Preparatory Meeting of Shanghai Forum 2020 were held at Fudan University. The Forum is to be held on May 9-11 next year with the theme “Asia’s New Journey: the Decade Ahead”.

  • The science animated cartoon “Cervical Cancer and Its Enemies” has been online since Nov. 18. Hua Keqing, a doctor from Fudan-affiliated Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, is shaped as a cartoon character offering health advice on cervical cancer prevention.


  • The team, led by Prof. Zhao Yunlei, from the School of Computer Science gained a first prize, a second prize and two third prizes at the 5th China Collegiate Cryptologic Contest on Nov. 24.

  • Two teams, guided by Prof. Sun Weiwei, from the School of Computer Science secured two golds in the 5th China Collegiate Programming Contest Finals on Nov. 17.


  • Students from Department of Materials Science won two special awards in the 4th China Collegiate Material Failure Analysis Contest during Nov. 16-17.

  • On Nov. 23, the launching ceremony of CDPF (China Disabled Persons’ Federation) - Fudan Barrier-Free Environment Research Base & Symposium on Building Barrier-Free Environment was held at Fudan. The “Fudan Consensus, Shanghai Initiative”, an initiative on universal barrier-free environment construction was also released at the ceremony.


  • On Nov. 22, Fudan Graduate Career Fair 2020 was held on Handan Campus. 258 employers from 15 provinces and cities were invited. More than 3,000 students took part in the event.

