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  • ChinaDaily: Foreign youths contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts

    17 Jul 2023

  • SHINE: Biodiversity the focus as youth innovation contest closes in Dali

    17 Jul 2023

  • ChinaDaily: Youth innovators explore global governance solutions

    17 Jul 2023

  • IP SHANGHAI: Gao Yue, Making special

    15 Jun 2023

  • Research

    China Daily: Fudan students set up database for oracle bones

    25 Apr 2023

  • China Daily: Biopic retells 'sticky' story of pioneering Chinese translator

    24 Mar 2023

  • Research

    SHINE: Fudan's ChatGPT-like chatbot 'achieves fundamental functions'

    15 Mar 2023

  • EUobserver: China-EU Digital Cooperation: The Ways Forward

    10 Feb 2023

  • SHINE: 10 expats honored with Magnolia Gold Award for 2022

    09 Dec 2022