News & Events

22 Jun 2024


To the next chapter of life! Farewell, Fudan Class of 2024


On June 20, Fudan University bid farewell at the Zhengda Stadium to its 2024 graduating class of over 10,000 students.

2024 Undergraduate Commencement

President JIN Li encouraged all graduates to adopt innovation as a lifestyle and to find their unique path in innovation. He highlighted that we must be innovative and never satisfied with the current status, that we should keep sensitive and curious about the world, be mentally strong, and be full of passion for life, and that we should always look at the big picture with strategic vision and resist short-term temptations.

Academician SHEN Weixiao, from the Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences and the School of Mathematical Sciences, offered his advice to the graduates: to steadfastly pursue their chosen goals and to never overlook the tasks at hand. 

ZHAO Yong, a Class of 1999 alumnus from the Department of Electronic Engineering and the founder of a leading AI company, encouraged his fellow graduates to believe in their dreams, the power of passion and seemingly overreaching ambitions to change the world.

TANG Wenxu, graduating this year from the School of Life Sciences, spoke about the challenges and satisfaction in scientific research, has decided to continue her studies at Fudan. “When there was a major breakthrough, the sense of accomplishment would take out all my frustration.”

Esmeraldito Ferreira, graduating this year from Huashan Hospital Fudan University, grew up in a rural area of East Timor, shared his experience as a medical intern here in China and his goal of contributing to the health sector of East Timor with his expertise after graduation.

2024 Postgraduate Commencement

President JIN Li hopes that the graduates will step out of their comfort zones, and adapt to new environments; learn from mistakes and improve their creativity; and transform their stellar academic achievements into future success in both study and career. 

Academician GONG Xingao, from the Department of Physics, reflected on the value of education, stating that the purpose of education is to enable the educated to grow into an open-minded and independent individual while acquiring sufficient specialized knowledge.

“Throughout my two-decade-long career in media, I had to tackle a wide array of subjects, so I never stopped learning.” HE Jie, an alumna from the School of Journalism working for Shanghai Broadcasting and Television Station, shared how she deals with changes in the media industry. 

DAI Suyang, a graduating doctoral student from the Children’s Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, aims to become a pediatrician after graduation. “On top of solving problems, Fudaners will always strive to better the solutions.” Through machine learning algorithms, he has set up a diagnosis and treatment model for biliary atresia according to its pathophysiology and clinical practice. 

To all Fudaners graduating this year

May your future be as bright as the stars

and as fulfilling as the journey you've had so far!



Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Writer: LI Yijie

Editor: WANG Mengqi

Photographers: CHENG Zhao, LIAO Heng, YANG Zhichao, CHI Dongzheng, CUN Fei, CEN Danfeng, CHEN Zhiyou, WEI Xu Ying, GUO Jianbin

Designer: LI Yijie
