
06 Jun 2024


New alliance built to boost application of Fuxi meteorology foundation models

On June 3, the Intelligent Meteorology Innovation Ecosystem Alliance, comprising 13 entities including Fudan University, the Shanghai Academy of Artificial Intelligence for Science (SAIS), COSCO Shipping Technology Co., Ltd. and the National Climate Centre, amongst others, was launched. The Alliance aims to propel industrial application of the Fuxi meteorology foundation models, fostering deeper industry-college-institute cooperation in the field of AI for meteorology.

At the ceremony, Fudan scientists unveiled the Fuxi Meteorology Foundation Models 2.0. The enhanced model represents a leap forward in meteorological navigation, crucial for maritime safety. 

"Since Fuxi was first introduced, our team has been dedicated to refining its accuracy and applicability, explained LI Hao," head of Earth Sciences at SAIS and researcher at Fudan University. "The 2.0 version boasts significant improvements over the previous one, with features tailored for sectors like renewable energy and aviation."

The model's upgrades for meteorological navigation include higher spatiotemporal resolution, offering detailed hourly forecasts up to 15 days in advance. It also features an advanced coupled air-sea model that enhances predictions for global wind, wave, current, and visibility.

Fuxi 2.0 stands as the world's first meteorological model optimized for the renewable energy sector, providing more precise forecasts for wind speeds, solar irradiation, and power generation capabilities. These advancements are expected to significantly improve the efficiency of wind and solar power generation and balance electrical grid loads.

In aviation, Fuxi 2.0 has pioneered the development of critical meteorological elements such as low cloud amount and total cloud amount, essential for flight safety. The model aids in predicting weather phenomena like icing and turbulence, enhancing flight experience and reducing industry costs.

Looking ahead, the scientists plan to create end-to-end meteorological models, develop data assimilation systems based on large models, and construct an Earth system model featuring predictions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface and cryosphere.

"The Intelligent Meteorology Innovation Ecosystem Alliance will work on several key directions related to meteorology. We aim to design and implement our models within the scenarios demanded by the Alliance, amplifying the value and impact of our research findings," said LI Hao.

SAIS, located in the Xuhui Riverside area, focuses on cutting-edge technology innovation in scientific intelligence and its practical application scenarios. The institute brings together AI scientists, engineers, and scientists from various fields to explore new scientific hypotheses and provide research clues for complex scientific scenarios.

The "1+1+N" AI-for-science ecosystem, an approach adopted by the city in promoting application of technological achievements, with SAIS at its core, integrates resources and strengths from various parties to build an open, collaborative, and efficient ecosystem. The first "1" refers to SAIS, responsible for overall strategic planning, resource integration, and key technology innovation. The second "1" represents Fudan University, which supports and collaborates with SAIS in scientific research and talent cultivation.

"We are very pleased to see that Fuxi 2.0 has made progress in sub-seasonal and medium-term forecasting with in-depth explorations in terms of application in the meteorological industry," said XIONG Shaoyuan, deputy director of the China Meteorological Administration.

JIANG Zhaoli, senior inspector from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, expressed excitement about the role of emerging technologies in addressing climate change and supporting economic transformation, decarbonization, etc.

"Only by truly integrating the innovation chain, industry chain, and talent chain can we make scientific innovations that withstand the test of time and market, said QI yuan," director of SAIS, emphasizing the importance of the Alliance in accelerating the transformation of scientific achievements into real productive forces.



Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Writer: LI Yijie

Editor: WANG Mengqi
