News & Events

30 May 2024

Fudan Character

119th FDU Anniv. Special | Meet Odii Elijah, Nigerian alumnus


As one of Fudan’s outstanding international alumni, on May 23, Odii Elijah, a Class 2020 Nigerian alumnus was invited back to Fudan campus to give a lecture on topics relevant to the usefulness of multicultural experience and collaboration.

Dr. Odii Elijah studied at Fudan University between 2016 and 2020 during which he obtained a PhD in Environmental Management. He serves as the president of the Organization of African Academic Doctors (OAAD), a growing network of African PhD holders, entrepreneurs, and researchers from a variety of fields dispersed across more than 70 countries around the world to improve the quality of life in Africa through research and innovation by bringing in academics and entrepreneurs to work on development goals. 

 “Collaborative lubricant, innovation spark, productivity accelerator, economy of scale, competitive advantage, and bargaining power.” During the lecture, he shared his view on the super powers of multicultural experience.

Odii in front of the main gate to the Fudan international students’ dorm building

According to Odii, Fudan provided Odii with training in identifying what he calls “gaps”.

In research, it would be areas that have not yet been explored, but if explored, would be influential and beneficial. Odii mentions that he was given ample opportunities in identifying such gaps in not only research, but also in the context of industries

OAAD, the organization he leads is one such example. “It’s a pity that talented graduates may often choose to work in places other than Africa, due to more opportunities elsewhere. Realizing this gap, he founded OAAD to foster trust between African researchers and entrepreneurs for cooperation to provide an incentive for talented individuals to come back to develop one’s own nations.

Odii is grateful not only to the rigorous intellectual training he received at Fudan, but also to the long legacy of hard-working and talented individuals associated with the university’s name. “The good reputation of my alma mater does have positive spillover effects onto my career.” Odii admitted. “Many would associate competency with a graduate from Fudan University and believe that they are in safe hands.

When asked to give a piece of career advice to current Fudan students, Dr. Odii emphasizes the importance of good relationships and he gives advice on how to achieve it. 

Odii provides a few examples of how to network effectively, whether it is in academia or industry. Pursue other’s interest, and in turn it will help you pursue your own. Although counter-intuitive, it can be quite practical and meaningful. In the context of business, the best solution offered to a client should bring profits. In the context of research, offering your fellow researchers’ ways to accelerate his or her research can incentivize further collaboration. He also highlights the edge we will have if we can lower the cost of the collaboration. “For example, with better Chinese skills, I can proceed at a much faster pace when working with Chinese business partners.” This forms his mindset around collaboration, which is to be competent, and offer solutions to what others need. 

The decision to pursue a PhD when an individual already has completed a PhD does not usually happen, especially when one is already engaged in many other important matters. However, Odii’s life philosophy and outlook towards working in multiple areas at once comes down to a sense of responsibility and personal affinity. “I want to work more outside the lab, and work with people.” After graduating from the University of Nigeria with a PhD in Zoology, he decided to come to China to pursue a degree in environmental management. He pictures actions as strings that connect together his desires and stretches towards the areas that he wishes to pursue. “Every soul has something that satisfies it, said Odii.

Odii is invited to various industry conferences

Now, Odii has joined the University of Nigeria as a teaching faculty member. He emphasized the importance of cultivating good culture in a university. “In Fudan, I realize the need to use what we learn for producing something: product or service that meet real people’s needs. Fudan University has a culture of excellence. I apply it in my teaching and other tasks thereby advancing productivity in myself, my students, academic and industry colleagues. ”


Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Writer: Jiraphongtrakul Shin

Editor: LI Yijie, Wang Mengqi
