Schools & Departments A-Z

16 Apr 2020


Microelectronics, School of

Contact administrative offices:

Address at Handan campus:

Room 304, Environment Building of Fudan University, 220 Handan Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China

Phone: 021-65643438

Address at Zhangjiang campus:

Office Building of the School of Microelectronics, 825 Zhangheng Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China

Admission contact:

Phone: 021-65643449

Email: [email protected]


In April 2013, the School of Microelectronics was founded as the first pilot engineering school at Fudan University to meet the urgent industrial demands of the country and take the global lead in engineering education. In 1958, Professor Xie Xide (1921-2000) founded the major of Semiconductor Physics, the predecessor of the school. Relevant doctoral programs were initiated in 1984. In 1988, Microelectronics and Solid-state Electronics was rated as a national key discipline; in May 2015, the school became one of the first national demonstration school of microelectronics.

With presence at both Handan campus and Zhangjiang campus of Fudan University, the School of Microelectronics hosts a couple of national, provincial, and ministerial research platforms. It has founded (1) in 1992 the National Key Laboratory of Application Specific Integrated Circuit and System (Fudan University), the only national key lab in the field of integrated circuit, (2) in 2013 the Yangtze River Delta Collaborative Innovation Center for Integrated Circuit Design and Manufacture, a project led by the school and approved by Shanghai Education Commission, (3) in 2014 the International Training Base (Shanghai) of National Integrated Circuit Talents, and (4) in 2018 the National Integrated Circuit Innovation Center, a project under the national strategy of Manufacturing Power. The school is currently focusing on the establishment of the International Innovation Center for Micro/Nano Electronics and Quantum, the mainstay of the Zhangjiang-Fudan International Innovation Center.

Subjects and Programs

Undergraduate program: The undergraduate major of Microelectronic Science and Engineering enrolls about 120 full-time students annually. In accordance with the 2020 Fudan Initiative to Enhance First-class Undergraduate Education, the school designs a “2+X years” cultivation system that integrates the six educational approaches of classroom learning, Fudan College sessions, research and entrepreneurship, social practices, overseas study, and new media. The integrated system that involves all faculty members and covers the entire teaching proceedings offers wider choices to the students and unleashes their potential.

Postgraduate program: The major of Semiconductor Physics, the predecessor of the School of Microelectronics, launched its doctoral program in 1984. Microelectronics and Solid-state Electronics was rated as a national key discipline in 1988. The school has now built an all-around postgraduate study syllabus, providing both master and doctoral degree programs. It has launched a master program, a doctoral program, a M.Eng program, and an engineering doctorate program. Every year, around 200 admitted postgraduates receive instructions from accomplished faculty with rigorous attitude and rich experience. The school has 31 master supervisors and 33 doctoral supervisors, employs more than 50 senior instructors from enterprises, and has co-founded internship and training bases with national key institutions and renowned enterprises.


The school upholds a talent development strategy combining introduction with cultivation of faculty members. Its well-structured faculty is characterized by innovative minds and world-class academic performance. The 136 faculty members of the school include 69 full-time teaching staff, 22 engineering test technicians, 9 administrative staff, 8 project-based researchers, 6 project assistants, and 22 research team assistants. Among them are 40 professors, 34 associate professors, 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4 awardees of the fund offered by the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, 4 awardees of the fund offered by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars., and 1 research team whose project has been supported by the Ministry of Education. In addition, the school has employed a number of experts as chair professors from universities and enterprises at home and abroad.

In recent years, the school has paid high attention to talent development by organizing a special working group to facilitate general coordination. The school has built a practical and efficient mechanism of talent introduction that responds quickly to the need of teaching and research and makes employment decisions based on comprehensive considerations. The mechanism helps gather a large group of advanced talents of both integrity and capability. The school is also forming a talent cultivation system with Fudan characteristics in accordance with Excellence 2025, a talent cultivation initiative of the university. The initiative cultivates talents based on their specializations, which contributes to the goal of building a first-class faculty.


The School of Microelectronics continues to enhance its research capability, as required by the Fudan initiative Progression 2025. With emphases on major platforms, research teams, projects, and achievements, the school relentlessly enhances its core competitiveness in scientific research, expecting a role transition from a follower to a leader. It is now constructing a technological innovation system in accordance with the national major development strategy and the development plan of the university. Led by strategic missions of the country, the system focuses on disciplinary research and develops disciplinary transformation and application. Currently, the school hosts the following major research platforms and innovation centers: the National Key Laboratory of Application Specific Integrated Circuit and System, the National Integrated Circuit Innovation Center, the Yangtze River Delta Collaborative Innovation Center for Integrated Circuit Design and Manufacture, and the International Innovation Center for Micro/Nano Electronics and Quantum (under construction).

In recent years, the school has made remarkable achievements in such research fields as the third type of storage technology, the two-dimensional neuromorphic devices, and the hypervelocity quasi-nonvolatile memory. On July 5, 2018, a professor of the school was awarded the first Best Paper Prize by Integration, the VLSI Journal at the 15th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design in Prague. Several other papers have been brought to the International Solid-state Circuits Conference (ISSCC), the foremost forum on integrated circuit, and included in the conference publications.

International Cooperation

The School of Microelectronics plays an active role in international cooperation. The International Training Base of National Integrated Circuit Talents, founded in November 2014, draws support from Shanghai, a city of industrial concentration and technological advancement. It incubates disciplinary integration and facilitates international communication and cooperation, expecting to cultivate more well-qualified professionals with a global vision for the integrated circuit industry of the Yangtze River Delta and the country at large. It has made notable progress in introducing global talents, cooperating with global universities, and high-end training. The school is committed to the construction of Zhangjiang Comprehensive National Science Center, the introduction of faculty from enterprises and abroad, and the integration of the curriculum with global perspectives, aiming at taking the lead in faculty capability and education quality.
