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16 Apr 2020


Chinese Classics Research Institute


Mr. Su Jie

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +86-21-55664048


Founded in 1983, Chinese Classics Research Institute (CCRI) of Fudan University is among the first institutions of its kind approved by the Ministry of Education, and it works in close partnership with the National Committee for Ancient Writings Collations in Higher Education Institutions. The late Professor Zhang Peiheng, bestowed the title of Distinguished Professor of Fudan University, was the founding director. The current director is Professor Chen Guanghong, and the deputy director is Professor Zheng Lihua.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Institute, while focusing on the compilation of The Complete Poetry of the Ming, a key project funded by the National Committee for Ancient Writings Collations in Higher Education Institutions, CCRI carried out collation and research work on ancient Chinese texts, and trained talents for research and education in the field. Over the years, through systematic editing and research of the texts from the Ming dynasty, CCRI explored the development and characteristics of the society, literature and philosophy in the Ming dynasty, and successively established the Department of Ming Dynasty Writing Studies, the Department of Bibliography, Editions and Textual Criticism, and the Department of Philosophical Writing Studies. In the early years of CCRI, Jiang Tianshu, Gu Tinglong, Lyu Zhenbai, Xu Peng, Lu shulun, Wu Jie, Pan Fu'en and other well-known scholars of the older generation served as full-time or part-time professors, giving devoted care and valuable guidance to the establishment and development of the Institute.

Subjects and Programs

After decades of efforts, especially under the guidance of Professor Zhang Peiheng, CCRI has made great progress in discipline construction and teaching/research capability. It has confirmed the new research objective of connecting ancient and modern, focused on textual and historical criticism, included multiple areas of classical study, and established a system where teaching and research reinforce each other. CCRI offers four programs at either doctoral or master level, namely, Ancient Chinese Literature, Evolution of Chinese Literature from Ancient to Modern Times, Chinese Classical Philology and Chinese Linguistics.

Ancient Chinese literature 

A national key discipline

Research pathways: Ancient Literature (pre Qin), Middle-age Literature I (Han Wei, Northern and Southern dynasties), Middle-age Literature II (Tang and Song dynasties), Early Modern Literature (Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties), etc. 

Evolution of Chinese Literature from Ancient to Modern Times

Established by Professor Zhang Peiheng, it is an innovative interdisciplinary program unattempted in any other university in China.

Research pathways: Chinese literature From the 13th to the 20th Century, Chinese Literature Through Ancient and Modern Times, and Regional Chinese Literature Evolution, etc.

Chinese Classical Philology 

A featured program of Fudan University

Research pathways: Editions and Bibliography, Textual Criticism and Interpretation, Literary Philology, Art Literature and Art History, Collation and Analysis, Comparative Philology, etc. 

Chinese Linguistics is a national key discipline

Research pathway: The History of the Chinese Language

Faculty and Students

At present, there are 12 faculty members, including 9 professors, 2 associate professors and 1 assistant professor; 6 part-time professors and 1 part-time researcher. More than 300 master's and doctoral students have graduated from the Institute, including overseas students from Japan, South Korea, the US, etc. CCRI currently hosts more than 100 master's and doctoral students (including international non-degree students and visiting scholars).
