News & Events

12 Dec 2019

University Affairs

Delegation of University Principals from Myanmar Visits Fudan


A delegation of university principals from Myanmar, headed by Dr. Maung Maung Naing, Rector of Yadanabon University, visited Fudan University with the company of Vice President of Yunnan University Li Chenyang on Dec. 4.

The delegation was comprised of principals and vice principals from 11 comprehensive universities, 7 science and technology universities and 8 normal universities, covering 7 provinces and 5 states in Myanmar.

The visit aimed to promote the bilateral cooperation and people-to-people exchanges at the university level so as to strengthen the economic corridor development between the two countries.

Vice President of Fudan University Chen Zhimin briefed the guests on Fudan’s development and its cooperation with Yunnan University and Lancang-Mekong region, looking forward to further collaboration and exchanges between Fudan and the universities from Myanmar.

Dr. Maung Maung Naing talked about the incoming education reform in Myanmar and he pointed out Myanmar would take an active part in the Belt and Road Initiative. Accordingly, several universities from the delegation have signed agreements for cooperation and exchanges with Yunnan University, and they also hoped to boost ties with Fudan University in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technology and engineering, and talent cultivation.

Representatives from Fudan Institute of Belt and Road & Global Governance, Fudan College, Office of Global Partnerships, Fudan Institute of Science and Technology and School of International Relations & Public Affairs also joined the reception. Together, they exchanged views on environmental science, history, international relations as well as student and faculty exchange.
