News & Events

07 Dec 2019


Weekly Briefing (Nov. 29-Dec. 5)


  • FDU Alumni He Peixin and his wife Chen Xiaoming donated 100 million yuan to the university, hoping to support the poverty-stricken students and to boost FDU’s development.


  • Hong Jiaxing, CAS academician and professor from the School of Mathematical Sciences, was awarded the 14th Hua Luogeng Prize in Mathematics on Nov. 21.


  • By employing a general synthetic orthogonal assembly approach, the team of Prof. Deng Yonghui from the Department of Chemistry managed to controllably construct 3D multilayer-crossed metal oxide nanowire arrays. Their study was published in the journal Nature Materials on Dec. 3.


  • The research team of Prof. Liu Yun at the School of Basic Medical Sciences, in collaboration with Swedish scientists, has disclosed a genetic factor influencing people’s alcohol dependence, according to a study recently published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. They studied the methylation level of human brain tissue samples, expecting to reveal the mechanism of alcohol addiction and support the accurate diagnosis and treatment.



  • The mechanism by which lymphatic endothelial cells help hepatoma stem cells to self-renew and escape immune attack has been recently revealed by Prof. Jiang Jianhai’s team from the School of Basic Medical Sciences, according to the research published in Journal of Hepatology. The research sheds light on how the tumor microenvironment regulateshepatoma stem cell behavior and the role that glycans play in the process.

  • After about 50 days of Arctic research expedition, Zhang Peng, a postdoctoral researcher from the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, finally returned home. The first-hand data collected in this expedition can make up for the lack of Arctic atmospheric data caused by inadequate fixed sounding observation equipment.


  • The 3rd FDU International Forum on People-to-People Exchange was held on Nov. 23 on campus. The new book People-to-People Exchange: Towards a New Type of International Relations was released at the forum.

