Schools & Departments A-Z

22 Oct 2019


Chinese Language and Literature, Department of


Faculty of Chinese Language and Literature

West Guanghua Towers, 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, 200433

Tel: 86-21-65642301  86-21-65642020 (Foreign Affairs)

Fax: 86-21-65119143

E-mail: [email protected] (Foreign Affairs)

            [email protected] (Domestic Affairs)


The precursor of today’s department was established in 1917 as the Chinese Literature Section of Fudan University. In 1925, following the proposal of Shao Lizi, Ye Chucang and Chen Wangdao, the Chinese Literature Section was formally renamed as the Department of Chinese Literature. Then in September 1929, with the restructuring of the university, the Department of Chinese Literature was placed in the College of Humanities. The upgrade to the Department of Chinese Literature was a response to the adjusted needs of contemporary education and the May 4th New Culture Movement. It was the inevitable outcome for Chinese Literature as a discipline that embraces both the ancient and the modern, and the cultures of the East and the West. 

By the 1930s, the department has already grown in size, offering a wide range of courses and a systematic curriculum. Professor Shao Lizi advocated a two-pronged approach of study, or in his word, “One should view the literature of the past with eyes of today and create a new Chinese literature with eyes of the world.  

In 1952, the department and parts of the now defunct Shanghai College (a.k.a. University of Shanghai) and Aurora University were merged into Fudan University’s new Faculty of Chinese Language and Literature (FCLL). In the mid-50s, under the instructions of several celebrated professors such as Liu Dabai, Chen Wangdao, Xie Liuyi, Shao Lizi, Xia Mianzun, Ying Zhaolun, Fu Donghua, Zheng Zhenduo, Tian Han, Zhao Jingsheng, Cao Juren, Hong Shen, Liang Shiqiu, Liu Dajie, Xu Zhongshu, Wang Jingzhi, Jiang Tianshu, Feng Yuanjun, Ye Shengtao and young professors like Hu Yushu, Jiang Kongyang, Wang Yunxi and Zhang Peiheng, the department grew significantly in size and academic prominence. It was at that time that the department took its place at the forefront of academic research and teaching in China. Over the years, the department has developed a reputation for academic excellence. 

A number of research institutes and divisions have been established to give focus to certain areas, such as the Research Institute of Chinese Language and Literature, the Center for the Study of Ancient Documents, the Center for the Unearthed Literature and Archaic Chinese Characters, the Center for Han and Tang Dynasty Literature and the Center for the Contemporary Literature Writing and Study, among a host of others.

Currently, there are 448 undergraduates, 362 MA candidates and 291 PhD candidates in FCLL, with 85 full-time international students among them. Their diverse extracurricular academic and cultural activities help paint their campus life in a special and attractive color, featuring “Doctoral Students’ Forum”, “Star Teachers’ Lecture”, “Readers’ Salon”, “Career Navigation” and so on. Students launched many publications, such as the department journals of “Zhongwen” and “Xuewen”. Many classes also have their own journals that manifest their broad vision, express their feelings and display their talents. Graduation Drama, one of the traditional events of students in FCLL, has attracted wide attention and praise. Several plays, like “Wuling People”, “The Importance of Being Earnest”, “Departure in June”, “Chuang Chou Dreaming a Butterfly”, etc., have won a number of awards at “College Drama Festival of Shanghai”. The academic and extracurricular activities of students in FCLL have progressed very well and resulted in many achievements. Many students’ projects are sponsored by “Junzheng Scholar Award” and “Wangdao Scholar Award”. Students of FCLL travel to remote provinces, such as Ningxia and Yunnan to assist in teaching each year. 

Subjects and Programs

Undergraduate Education

FCLL gives priority to undergraduate teaching. It combines “general knowledge education”, “basic education” and “specialized education” and strengthens the infiltration, intersection and combination of different subjects. It aims at cultivating all-round talents with solid knowledge background, outstanding practical ability and wide vision. FCLL has developed into a leading teaching and research institution for Chinese language and literature studies. Distinguished alumni emerge in large numbers, becoming the backbones of their industries.    


In recent years, FCLL has put forth effort to carry out curriculum reforms and offered a course series named “intensive reading of classic works”, which requires students of FCLL to delve into classic original works and gradually forms into a course system with aunique style. In recent years, FCLL has obained numerous honors in teaching, with “Series Courses of Intensive Reading of Chinese Language and Literature Classic Works”, “Ancient Chinese Literature”, “The History of Chinese Literary and Criticism” and “Aesthetics” listed among national quality courses. “Series Courses of Intensive Reading of Chinese Language and Literature Classic Works and Textbooks Construction” won the first prize of National Teaching Achievements.

The Main Courses of

“Intensive Reading of Chinese Language and Literature Classic Works


Intensive Reading of “Records of the Grand Historian”

Intensive Reading of “Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature”Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature

Intensive Reading of “The Catalog of a Random Thought

Intensive Reading of “A Dream of Red Mansion”

Intensive Reading of “Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature

Intensive Reading of “Theory of Literature”

Intensive Reading of “The Analects of Confucius”

Intensive Reading of “Perspectives on Literature”

Intensive Reading of “Lu Xun’s Works”

Intensive Reading of The Book of Odes” & “Li Sao

Intensive Reading of “Course in General Linguistics”

Intensive Reading of “Hu Shi’s Collection”

Intensive Reading of “Zhuangzi”

Intensive Reading of “Ma Shi Wen Tong”

Intensive Reading of “Shen Congwen’s Works”

Intensive Reading of “Li Bai & Du Fu’ Poetry”

Intensive Reading of “Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech”

Intensive Reading of “Zhou Zuoren’s Prose”

Intensive Reading of “Su Shi’s Works”

Intensive Reading of “An Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters”

Intensive Reading of “New Accounts of Old Episodes”

Intensive Reading of “The Grammar of Mandarin Chinese”

Graduate Education

Thanks to our growing academic strength, FCLL has been continuously strengthening the development of doctoral programs and master programs. FCLL not only improves and expands the original disciplinary layout, but also expands its teaching and researching fields from literature and linguistics to art theory and sociology. In 2009, supported by the Ministry of Education, the first specialized master’s degree program, “Master of Fine Arts (MFA)(Creative Writing)” was established in FCLL. FCLL keeps strengthening the standardized administration of graduate education, puts great emphasis on implementation of talent cultivation plans and improves the quality of students’ dissertations. In 2003, the dissertation authored by Yang Guanghui, titled The Empirical Study of Life and Works of Sadula, was selected into the 100 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations. Many other masters’ theses have been listed among the “Excellent Graduate Thesesof Shanghai”. A large number of postgraduates later became backbones in teaching and researching in many universities home and abroad after their graduation.

Master’s Degree

Classic Chinese Literature

Film Studies

Folklore Studies

History of Chinese Literary Criticism

Chinese Philology

Artistic Anthropology and Folk Literature

Study of Chinese Classical text

Chinese Linguistics

Comparative Literature & World Literature

Chinese Literature Evolution Studies

Linguistics & Applied Linguistics


Modern and Contemporary Literature

Theory of Literature and Art


Master’s Degree

Classic Chinese Literature

Modern and Contemporary Literature

Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

History of Chinese Literary Criticism

Film & TV Literature

Theory of Literature and Art

Study of Chinese Classical text

Chinese Language and Character

Artistic Anthropology and Folk Literature

Chinese Literature Evolution Studies

Modern Chinese Linguistics

Comparative Literature & World Literature

English-instructed Master of Art Degree Program:
Chinese Language and Culture (EMA )

The English-instructed Master of Art Degree Program was approved in 2006 and began to enroll students in 2008. This program is well-staffed with professors of profound knowledge in FCLL. Experts and scholars are also invited from other Fudan departments when necessary. This program aims at exploring a new mode in cultivating postgraduate students, especially international students and providing opportunities to people abroad with different academic backgrounds who wish to pursue further study and learn more about Chinese culture. International students who wish to apply for the program should have received a bachelor’s degree and reached an adequate level of English proficiency. Until now, more than 10 batches of students have graduated from this program.


There are 105 full-time faculty members in FCLL(the Research Institute of Chinese Language and Culture & the Center for the Research of Unearthed Literature and Archaic Chinese Characters included), among which are 50 professors (42 doctoral advisors), 26 associate professors, 12 lecturers, and 13 administrative management staff. Over the years, great achievements have been made by staff of FCLL of Fudan University.


Thirteen Distinguished Professors in the history of Faculty of Chinese Language and Literature:

1. Jiang Kongyang(1923-1999)  2. Hu Yushu(1918-2001)

3. Jia Zhifang(1916-2008)             4. Liu Dajie(1904-1977)

5. Jiang Tianshu(1903-1988)         6. Zhang Shilu(1902-1991)

7. Zhao Jingshen(1902-1985)        8. Wu Wenqi(1901-1991)

9. Wang Xinfu(1901-1966)           10. Zhu Dongrun(1896-1988)

11. Chen Zizhan(1898-1990          12. Guo Shaoyu(1893-1984)

13. Chen Wangdao(1891-1977)     14. Wang Yunxi(1926-2014)


Research Projects

Many projects carried out by professors of FCLL are listed among the National Social Science Foundation Projects, which include “Chinese Sign Language Corpus Project (Key Project of National Foundation of Social Sciences”, four major projects: Qian Zhongshu and his Study of Poetry of Song Dynasty by Professor Wang Shuizhao, The Research History of Chinese Literature in 20th Century by Professor Huang Lin and Amendment, Supplement and Adaptation of Poetry in Pre-Qin, Han, Wei and Southern and Northern Dynasties by Professor Chen Shangjun; Other projects include Exploration on Theory Innovation of History of Literature in the 20th Century by Professor Chen Sihe, The History of the Relationship of Modern Chinese and Foreign Literature From the Second Half of 19th Century to the Early 20th Century by Professor Xu Zhixiao and 3 National Social Science Foundation Youth Projects such as A Formal Study ofFinnegans Wake of Professor Dai Congrong.


Nearly 20 projects are listed among the Humanities and Social Sciences Projects of the Ministry of Education, including Marx and Literature by Professor Ying Bicheng, The Study on Chinese Ancient Culture of Beauty Appreciation by Professor Wu Zhongjie and Record of Events in Tang and Five Dynasties Poetry by Professor Chen Shangjun. Four projects were selected into the “Major Projects of Major Research Base of the Ministry of Education”, which consist of The History of Chinese Modern Community Literature by Professor Chen Sihe and The History of Chinese Fiction and Opera Study by Professor Huang Lin and so on. The Study on Chinese Literature in 20th Century by Professor Chen Sihe was approved and initiated as Cross-Century Talents Training Plan Project by the Ministry of Education. Besides, The Study on Chinization of Marxist Theory of Literature and Art by Professor Zhu Liyuan was approved and added to the list of “Key Projects of the Ministry of Education”. More than 30 projects are listed among the “Social Science Planning Projects” at Shanghai municipal level, including The History of Relationship between Chinese and Foreign Lterature by Professor Chen Sihe, The System Construction of Modern Marxim Theory of Literature and Art by Professor Zhu Liyuan, The Study on Modern Shanghai-Style Literature by Professor Xu Daoming and The Study on History of Chinese Literature in 20th Century by Professor Luo Yuming.


The Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric

Fudan University's Rhetoric Learning is the only professional and academic journal of rhetoric in China. In 2009, approved by the Ministry of Education and the Press and Publications Administration, the journal officially changed its name to Contemporary Rhetoric. In December 2009, it was successfully selected into CSSCI source journals after passing the assessment of China Social Science Research Evaluation Center. In January 2010, a brand-new Contemporary Rhetoric was published successfully, following a reform to the journal.  

International Cooperation

Over the years, FCLL has developed into a department with a high reputation for academic excellence. With a qualified faculty and a full range of specialized areas, it has established itself as a national-level base for teaching and research in liberal arts.


FCLL has always been giving priority to international exchange and cooperation. Since 1940s, scholars have been going abroad for short-term visits or on exchange terms. FCLL has also received a large number of overseas scholars and students for visiting, studying and conducting research. Since 2000, the international exchange of FCLLhas entered into a more active period.


FCLL has established relations and contacts with more than 60 universities from different countries, including USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, etc., and areas of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In the last decade, the teaching faculty of FCLL went abroad to nearly 40 universities to do research or teach Chinese as visiting scholars or visiting professors for more than 300 times. FCLL has also collaborated with scholars and universities in holding academic conference and conducting research. At least 1,400 international students have studied in FCLL of Fudan University.


FCLL not only invites numerous experts and scholars from both home and abroad to give academic lectures and set up English-taught courses, but also does its utmost to provide opportunities for students to study abroad and widen their vision. In recent years, the number of students studying abroad each year has maintained at nearly 100. Some attended summer camps, but the majority studied as exchange students or jointly trained students at renowned universities such as Oxford University, UCLA, University of British Columbia in Canada, Universitaet zu Koeln in Germany, Renne 2 University in France, Keio University, Kokugakuin University, Nanyang Technological University, Hong Kong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Baptist University of Hong Kong, Taiwan University, Taiwai Tsinghua University, Taiwai Normal University, Fu Jen Catholic University and National Chengchi University of Taiwan.


With more international exchanges and the rising “Chinese cultural fever”, FCLL has developed a new education strategy, which is to teach Chinese as foreign language, building upon the two original focuses: Language and Literature. FCLL provides courses to international students at different Chinese language proficiency levels.

