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16 Oct 2019


Engineering and Technology, Fudan Academy for


Ms. Zhao Linqi

[email protected]



The establishment of Fudan Academy for Engineering and Technology (FAET) in January 2017 is a significant step taken by Fudan University to develop distinctive engineering disciplines. The academy takes the systematic and comprehensive advantages of multidisciplinary basic research of Fudan University, focusing on engineering and applied technology research that meets primary national needs. The academy consists of three research institutes: the Institute of AI and Robotics, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology and the Institute of Future LightingJin Li, vice president of Fudan University as well as member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), served as the dean of FAET.Cao Jianlin, former vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology of People's Republic of China, was appointed as the Chairman of the FAET Council.

The Institute of AI and Robotics is committed to breaking through key technical bottlenecks and tackling strategic, fundamental, cutting-edge specific issues in AI and robotics, especially at the intersection of intelligent computing, intelligent chips, intelligent robots and technology application. To cater to industrial demands (medical rehabilitation, intelligent manufacturing, service, etc.) and contribute to national strategic plans (national key robot research and development plan, national major project of artificial intelligence 2030, etc.), the institute’s work on intelligent robot information processing and control, core components, system integration and application of theories and technologies. The research is also devoted to the industrialization of patent robots, such as intelligent medical robots, intelligent industrial robots, intelligent service robots, which helps to build a new industrial development model with intelligent robots as terminals. Professor Gan Zhongxue, director of the Institute, is an international leading specialist of intelligent robots.

The Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, jointly founded by Fudan University and Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (SIBET), addresses national demands on strategic emerging industries and economic restructuring related to public health. The institute is committed to becoming a world-famous research and development center and talent training base in biomedical engineering. It makes full use of the clinical skills and resources of the hospitals affiliated to Fudan University, and the technologies of SIBET. The institute provides solid support for the development of China’s medical equipment manufacturing industry by investigating clinical demands, innovating institutional mechanisms and integrating clinical medicine and engineering technology. Professor Geng Daoying, a renowned neuroimaging specialist in China, was appointed as the Standing Deputy Director of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology.

The Institute of Future Lighting brings together outstanding talents in lighting and semiconductor and taps software and hardware resources in Chinaandelsewhere. It gives fresh impetus to the development of high-tech information, biology, medical science, agriculture, optoelectronics and other fields. By forming a collaborative research network and building alliances between university and industry, the institute focuses on theories and technologies that are at the core of the third-generation semiconductor technology, optical medical health, optical agriculture, and lighting optoelectronics. The institute is committed to developing a core research institute undertaking tasks of technology R&D and industrial transformation in lighting technology. In response to the national science plan strategy, it aims to grow into a science and technology innovation center of global influence in Shanghai. ProfessorZhang Guoqi, an expert of the third-generation semiconductor, was appointed as the director of the Institute of Future Lighting.

Subjects and Programs

Since 2018, FAET has been offering graduate students a variety of cutting-edge programs, including computer applied technology, biomedical engineering, optical engineering, physical electronics, circuits and systems, microelectronics and solid-state electronics. 120 graduate students were enrolled in 2018 and 135 more will be enrolled in 2019.


Since its establishment two years ago, FAET has successively recruited more than 10 leading engineering application specialists and industrial leaders, including Gan Zhongxue, Zhang Guoqi, Zhang Dan, Song Liang, Xu Jian,Yang Shining, Zhang Lihua, Zhou Hua, Sun Yunquan, and nearly 20 young faculty members.Across the university, more than 80 dual-employed professors have contributed to the academy’s development. They are from the School of Information Science and Technology, the School of Computer Science, the School of microelectronics, the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhongshan Hospital, Huashan Hospital, Children’s Hospital and other affiliated hospitals.


With leading talents, the Academy for Engineering and Technology actively engages in implementing national strategic planscontributing tosignificant projectsand promoting the integration, industrialization and internationalization of scientific and technological achievements. FAET has organized pilot projects, including “Giga-pixel Cloud Imaging Camera System Project” and“Lithography Objective Actuator and Sensor and Movable Test Bench Development”as well as 66 other projects in cooperation with the Changchun Institute of Optics andSuzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology.It has undertaken 22 key R&D projects with a total funding of nearly 80 million RMB. In 2018, it was approved to establish the Intelligent Robot Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center. FAET’s plan to integrate intelligence machine industry in the Yangtze River Delta (W plan) has been highly praised by Li Qiang, secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal CommitteeThe development of high-tech equipment such as Gigapixel cloud imaging camera, lithography objective actuator and sensor, 6D ultra-high-precision movable test bench, 20-inch display automatic bonding device, intelligent knee assist device and other equipment also plays an important role in industrial transformation. Panoramic Vision System with Large Field of View, Low Distortion and High Resolutionand Autonomous Interactive TCM Physical Examination Robot won the gold and silver prizes atthe 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.

International Cooperation

The Academy for Engineering and Technology has signed cooperation agreements with the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology and Ningbo Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Research Institute. Memorandums of cooperation were also signed with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of York. FAET actively works in collaboration with Shenzhen Institute of third Generation Semiconductors and Guangdong Ji Hua Laboratory. At the beginning of 2018, Fudan University signed a joint agreement with Lingang Area Development Administration, or Lingang Group to establish a base for industrial research.
