News & Events

16 Sep 2019

University Affairs

Opening ceremony for new graduate students held


Graduate students attended flag-raising ceremony

Chair Jiao Yang handed appointment letters to counselor representatives

On the morning of September 6, the Zhengda Stadium was filled with an atmosphere full of youthful vigor.


Nearly 9,500 new graduate students from around the world attended the ceremony. Among the faculty attendees were Jiao Yang, Chair of the University Council, Xu Ningsheng, President of Fudan University, members of the University Academic Committee, the University Degree Conferment Committee and the University Teaching Supervision Committee, representatives of graduate tutors and student counselors, and members from various academic and administrative departments. The ceremony was presided over by Gui Yonghao, Executive Vice President of Fudan University.


Counselor representatives held appointment letters

This year, 111 new student counselors joined the university, some also taking teaching positions. Chair Jiao handed appointment letters to counselor representatives, encouraging them to become students’ confidants and guides to benefit their growth and development. 


President Xu Ningsheng


Starting today, you will begin a new life chapter and inject new vitality into this century-old institution. President Xu gave a warm welcome to all the students.


He expressed his hope that graduate students at Fudan could make truly new-to-the-world innovation as their goals and principles, take on more academic tasks, enhance research quality, and nurture their scientific ambitions.
