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20 May 2019


Advanced Humanistic Studies, National Institute for


Prof. Zhang Qing

Email: [email protected]

Founded on March 10, 2007, the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies (IAHS) at Fudan University is a center for original and innovative research supported by the Ministry of Education of China. As a base for research in Chinese literature, history and philosophy, the Institute is committed to interdisciplinary communication in order to advance the study of Chinese culture in a global context, and to promote the collection and dissemination of newly discovered materials. The Institute’s goal is to become an academic institution specializing in Chinese humanistic studies distinguished by openness and international perspective.

The Institute was led by Prof. Ge Zhao-guang in 2007-2013; the present director is Prof. Zhang Qing. The Institute also has an Academic Board and an International Panel for Review and Evaluation. Since 2013 the Third Academic Board, consisting of 11 Chinese and international scholars, will continue its responsibilities of defining strategic goals of academic development, planning and evaluating research projects, reviewing published research and assisting staff recruitment. The Third International Panel for Review and Evaluation, comprising 7 members, will supervise and evaluate all projects of the Institute and make suggestions for improvement. In addition, an executive team will take charge of administration, inter-department contacts, as well as arrangement of day-to-day academic activities and scholarly exchange.

At present, there are 14 full-time research fellows at the Institute involved in a number of interdisciplinary studies. Every year new fellows are recruited in the post-doc program and MA and PhD students are enrolled in the “Studies on Religion, Art and History of Asia” graduate program. With clear and persistent research focus, pursuit of higher standards and endeavor to strengthen international cooperation, IAHS has in the last ten years established its international reputation in the areas of academic publications, international conferences, public lectures and educational seminars. In the future, IAHS will make continued efforts for:

(1) Research in the specific areas of Religion, Art and History of Asia, i.e. China in the Eyes of Its Neighbors; Intersecting Cultural History; Critical Review of Overseas Chinese Studies; Visual Materials about China Preserved Abroad; and Comprehensive Research on the History of Chinese Religions, Thoughts and Arts.

(2) “Studies on Religion, Art and History of Asia” graduate program. It will take effort in the improvement of the PhD and MA programs. And the academic staff will continue to teach courses in humanities departments at Fudan University.

(3)International cooperation. In close collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo and East Asian Studies Department of Princeton University since 2010, IAHS has achieved success in co-hosting international conferences and symposiums and in launching summer exchange programs for scholars and graduate students. In the future, IAHS will continue to work with international partners to promote student and faculty exchange, strengthen the development of focal research areas through the international academic exchange.

(4) Publication. Continued efforts will be made in the publication of historical materials about China preserved abroad (in addition to The Collection of Vietnamese Yanxing Literature,The Collection of Korean Yanxing Literature, and Selections from the Records of Joseon Missions), the Monograph Series, the Conference Paper Volume Series, the Lecture Series, the Graduate Students’ Handbook Series and the quarterly Newsletter. In addition, the Institute’s special column “New Horizons in Humanistic Studies” in the Journal of Fudan University (Humanities and Social Sciences) will continue to publish high-quality research papers.

(5) “Fudan Humanities Lectures” and seminar series. The Institute will continue to invite senior scholars to lecture on the new developments in their research and will provide more opportunities to engage scholars in seminar discussions of research topics of shared interest.

(6) Recruiting academic staff, visiting scholars and post-doctoral fellows from China and abroad. Workshops of the other focal research areas will be established in addition to the existing Workshop on Intersecting Cultural History and Workshop on Cultural History of Images.

(7) Library and website. The Institute’s library will bring in more volumes of overseas Chinese studies as well as historical materials about China (including images) that were preserved abroad. It will also increase subscriptions to important overseas journals of China studies. The Institute’s website will keep abreast of current academic dynamics and provide as many research resources as possible.
