Under the vision of the national “The Belt and Road” initiative, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai city started to promote a series of International Collaborative Laboratory in the name of “Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan” and “One Belt and One Road” since 2017. In order to promote the anthropological studies across Eurasia and theinternational grand science plan of human phenome project, Fudan University summoned the forces of MOE Ley Lab of Contemporary Anthropology, MOST International Cooperation Base of Contemporary Anthropology, and National Key Lab of Genetic Engineering and applied for the establishment of B&R International Joint Laboratory for Eurasian Anthropology (“B&R-LEA” hereafter). The application was approved recently.

On the occasion of the 2nd International Symposium of Human Phenomics, the initiative meeting of B&R-LEA was hold in Shanghai on Nov 1, 2018. All of of foreign sponsor institutes attended the meeting after long flight trip. In summary, Prof. Oleg Balanovsky from Research Centre for Medical Genetics in Moscow, Russia, Prof. YerlanRamanculov from National Center for Biotechnology in Astana, Kazakhstan, Dr. PamjavHorolma from National Center of Forensic Experts and Research in Budapest, Hungary, Prof. Andre Ruiz-Linares from School of Life Science, Fudan University (Famous Human Geneticist and Physical Anthropologist, formerly Professor in University College London), Dr. Hong-Yang Xu from International Cooperation Office of Institute of Science and Technology, Fudan and Prof. Li Jin, Prof. Hui Li, Prof. Jiu-Cun Wang, Prof. Lan-Hai Wei, Prof. Shao-Hua Fan, Dr. Yan-Yun Ma and Dr. Wei-Lin Pu from International Cooperation Base of Contemporary Anthropology, Fudan attended the meeting.
Firstly, Prof. Li Jin introduced the basic operation structure of B&R-LEA. The B&R-LEA will receive continuous Funding supports from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai city. All of attendee made speeches enthusiastically and discussed together about establishing long-term cooperation mechanism, conductingacademic actions of cooperation and bringing together the advantages from all jointed sites. The attendee also made preliminary agreements about jointed research projects, sharing of resources and exchanging and training of talents. Besides, the attendee also discussed the potential prospect of cooperation in the field of Molecular Anthropology, Physical Anthropology and Medical Genetics. All experts agreed that numerous collaborative research projects can be launched immediately through the platform and science network of the jointed Lab and larger number of achievements are expectable in the near future.
After the meeting, the foreign experts visited the Laboratory of MOE Key Lab of Contemporary Anthropology and National Key Lab of Genetic Engineering with great interesting. The advanced laboratory platform and the good management had madethe profoundimpression to the visitors.