Schools & Departments A-Z

15 May 2019


Computer Science, School of (Software School)


Ms. Xu

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +86-21-51355555


Computer Science (CS) programs at Fudan University have more than 60 years of history, with the creation of the China’s first domestically-made electronic analog computer in 1956. In 1975, the Department of Computer Science, Fudan University, was founded. In 2008, the School of Computer Science was established by integrating all computer-science-related elements on campus.


Currently, the school hosts the Software School and School of Secrecy Administration.


The Software School of Fudan University was established in 2002, as one of the 37 national model software schools. The school hosts three specialty programs within the Software Engineering major, one MoE-designated experimental zone for innovative teaching, and a joint program with University College Dublin, Ireland.


Founded in 2011, the School of Secrecy Administration, Fudan University, is the fifth National Secrecy Administration School in China. Immersed within the comprehensiveness of the disciplines of the university, the school strives to become a national hub for secrecy administration education, research, and training, hosting two majors, namely “Information Security” and “Secrecy Management”.


Subjects and Programs

The school adopts the education philosophy of Fudan University, believing in building “a solid foundation and broad knowledge with a focus on capability and innovation ability”. The foremost task of the school is to educate students with practical skills of societal needs and theories that are at the international forefront. The school has established a complete set of educational programs offering degrees ranging from bachelor’s to doctorate’s. The school’s Model Education Center on Experimental Computer Science provides experiment classes and learning materials for relevant computer science courses offered by the university, and the basic CS teaching unit of the School offers computer literacy classes for all undergraduate students of the university.


1) Education Programs:


Doctoral Degree Programs

Science Degree

Computer Scienceand Technology

Computer Software and Theory

(National and Shanghai Key Discipline)

Computer Application Technology

Computer Architecture

Data Science

Software Engineering




Engineering Degree

Electronics and Information



Master Degree Programs

Science Degree


Computer Science and Technology

Computer Software and Theory

(National and Shanghai Key Discipline)

Computer Application Technology

Computer Architecture


Software Engineering




Engineering Degree

Computer Technology


Software Engineering


Software Engineering(Part-time)



Undergraduate Programs

Computer Science and Technology

Information Security

Software Engineering

Secrecy Administration

Secrecy Protection Technology

2) Notable Education Programs:

① Honor (in Chinese: Bajian, meaning top-notch)’s Program

From 2014, with the support of “Experimental Honor’s Program Plan in Basic Sciences” of MoE, the school started to recruit the first honor’s class students. The program aims to train the students in developing their research skills at an advanced level in basic research in computer science. Students entering the program will be engaged in more systematic, in-depth study of computer science and mathematics, and focused on cultivating interdisciplinary thinking with research capability.


② “Excellence in Engineering” Education Program

From 2014, with the support of “Excellence in Engineering Education Training Plan” of MoE, the freshmen of the Software School’s Software Engineering program may apply for the school’s “Excellence in Engineering” program. The Software school admits the students into the program via a merit-based selection process. The students in the plan have the opportunity in learning with a rigorous curriculum and training in domestic and foreign industry internship settings. The program ends with a certification process.


③ Joint Degree Program of Fudan University and University College Dublin (UCD)

In 2003, Software School started to recruit students for a joint, dual-degree bachelor’s program with the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin (UCD). The program was designed and taught jointly with UCD, and the graduates are awarded two degrees, one from Fudan University and the other from UCD.


At the end of 2014, the two universities signed an MOU to start a joint, dual-degree master’s program in software engineering. The program is planned to attract both domestic and foreign students in a collaborative, English-only teaching environment, and is to train the students with group projects, international industrial internships, study abroad among others practices. The program aims to graduate top software engineering talents with an international perspective.


④ Part-time Master’s Program in Software Engineering

The part-time Master’s program in software engineering is a professional engineering degree program (MSE for short). The goal of the program is to develop technical and management talents with both engineering and management skills. Based at Fudan University with its comprehensive academic tradition and first-class faculty, the program is dedicated to train top talents in this Internet era. The program consists of six specialty areas, namely electronic commerce, financial IT (Internet finance), enterprise IT (mobile Internet), government performance management, secrecy administration and information security and big data.


The total number of staff at the school is 159, including 108 full-time teaching and research faculty members with 34 professors, 8 full-professor-level researchers, 44 associate professors, 15 other associate-level title holders. There are 43 doctoral supervisors among the faculty. Since the establishment of the school in 2008, the school faculty has won over 50 times of various national and international talent-program awards.



The research at the school is to respond to national and societal needs, and to stay at the international forefront in relevant technical areas, focusing on theoretical and application innovation. In recent years, the school has successfully recruited and trained researchers, has won major national and provincial government research grants, and established major research facilities and platforms to accommodate the increase in the school’s research.


The school hosts three first-level disciplines: Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, and Cybersecurity. The research in the three disciplines are organized into six clusters: Artificial Intelligence (with Media Computing, and Intelligence and Intelligent Information Processing Sub-clusters), Networking and Information Security, Theoretical Computer Science, Databases and Data Science, System Software and Software Engineering, and Human-Centered Computing.


The school also hosts five provincial and ministerial research centers: Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science, Shanghai Engineering Research Center for Blockchain Technology, Engineering Research Center of Cyber Security Auditing and Monitoring of Ministry of Education, and Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Video Technology and System.


International Cooperation


The school emphasizes academic exchange with domestic and international universities, research institutions, and industry, to stay abreast with the forefront in computer science research. The school hosts international scholars to engage in academic exchanges and to give short-term lectures to faculty and students. In the past few years, the school hosted, among others, Tony Hoare and John Hopcroft, Turing Award Winner professors. The school successfully organized top-ranked international academic conferences.


International exchange also takes the form of joint degree programs, joint research, staff exchange, student exchange and short-term oversea study, including a joint master degree program with UCD and joint research on smart cities with Nanyang Technological University, as well as joint research centers with leading international corporations such as IBM, INTEL, SAP, DELL EMC, and HITACHI. With these international ties, the school aims at providing the faculty and students with a global perspective in their research and education programs, and at the same time, providing the school with desired international exposure of its research and educational achievements. 
