Schools & Departments A-Z

14 May 2019


Data Science, School of (Institute for Big Data)


Mr. Liu Tiejiang

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +86-21-65641036


To serve the national strategy of innovation-driven development and the goal of building world-class university, the School of Data Science and the Institution for Big Data at Fudan University, were officially established on October 8, 2015. They are evidently contributive for Shanghai to build the global center of science and technology innovation.

The School and the Institution are committed to scientific research, talent cultivation and industrial innovation with statistics, computer science and mathematics as the three basic supporting areas, as well as with biology, medicine, economics, environmental science, sociology, management and many other areas as in-depth cross-study areas. Meanwhile, towards the demand of industry, a number of interdisciplinary research teams in the fields of economy and finance, information Security, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, clinical diagnosis, andsocial management, while media communication and energy & environment are expected to join the School and the Institution, to promote the industrial transformation of fundamental research.

The School and the Institution will explore a brand-new student development scheme, devote to the industry-oriented cultivation of high-end talents in data science and related applications with the help of world-class scientific research capability. The School and the Institution will not only foster a large group of experts in Data Science but also incorporate many other related subjects through in-depth cross-study in order to develop an interdisciplinary and innovative talent cultivation platform.

Subjects and Programs

The School of Data Science is committed to educating interdisciplinary talents with a sound knowledge of data science theories and a broad view in data application. The School refers to the international standard of world-class universities to establish its training system and optimize its curriculum, in hope of forming a more systematic and professional system of talent development. At present, the School of Data Science has set up a bachelor degree program in data science and big data technology, an academic master degree in statistics; professional master degree programs in applied statistics, in international business and in finance; and a PhD program in statistics. There is also a postdoctoral workstation at the School.


With the support from both the university and society, the School of Data Science has built a team of high-level educators including, to name but a few, 2 distinguished professors, 1 professor8 chair professorswho are also members of the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and 8 associate professors, 10 assistant professors graduated from internationally-renowned universities including the University of Oxford, Texas A&M University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Leiden University, University College London, and the University of Hong Kong, as well as 7 postdoctoral researchers. By 2020, the School will have built a talent pool of more than 30 scholars with overseas educational background. Meanwhile, the School of Big Data also works with the Institute for Big Data to employ some of the top scholars from related fields within Fudan University to take part in teaching and research of the School.


Technological innovation of big data must serve industrial innovation in order to obtain sustainable vitality. Since the establishment of the School, it has signed strategic cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the Electric Power Group, the State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company, China Telecom Ideal Group, and Huayuan Data Co. Ltd. It has also set up with enterprises a number of joint technological research and development platforms, such as the Big Data Experimental Field and the Big Data Laboratory for Electric Power, and promoted the application of the analytical techniques and the auxiliary systems of big data in fields of medical care, telecommunication, public security, and electric power.

International Cooperation

The School of Data Science is active in promoting international exchanges and cooperation in aspects of talent development, academic research, and discipline construction. The International Academic Committee of the School of Data Science is a strong support for advancing international exchanges and cooperation. Since its establishment, a number of scholars have come herefor academic exchange; they are from more than 50 universities including Princeton University, Columbia University, Yale University, the University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Illinois at Urbana, the University of Michigan, the University of California in Davis, the University of California in San Diego, Texas A&M University, University of California, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and the University of New South Wales. Our resources in international exchanges keep expanding, and cooperation of all kinds continuously deepens mainly in aspects of curriculum design, the construction of talent training system, academic research, and project cooperation.



