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13 May 2019


Life Sciences, School of


Ms. Li

Tel: +86-21-31246506

Email: [email protected]


The School of Life Sciences at Fudan University (SLSFU) was established by the late Professor Tan Jiazhen (C.C. Tan) in 1986, by combining the Department of Biology, which was founded in 1926, and the Institute of Genetics. It was the first sub-institution of life sciences established in Chinese universities. It has been one of the most well-known Chinese institutions for promoting biological research and for nurturing both researchers and educators who devote themselves to the field of life sciences and technologies. Its current Dean is Professor Lin Xinhua.


Subjects and Programs

The SLSFU offers three undergraduate programs (Biological Sciences, Biological Technology and Ecology) and has the right to confer M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the field of Biology and Ecology with nine sub-disciplines, including Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Botany, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Human Biology, Microbiology, and Neurobiology. The school also has a state-supported postdoctoral program in the field of Biology and Ecology, with 14 positions each year.


Among the SLSFU sub-disciplines, Genetics and Ecology have been selected as national key disciplines (a competitive designation with some additional funding); Biophysics was chosen as a Shanghai key discipline. In addition, the SLSFU faculty participates in other national key disciplines, including Neurobiology, Pathogen Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Physiology, with sister institutions within Fudan University, such as the Medical School. Genetics was twice designated as “The Best Discipline” by the Ministry of Education in the two most recent consecutive reviews, and supported by “Project 211” of the Ministry of Education for strengthening education and training and “Project 985” of enhanced support by the Ministry of Education for top 40 Chinese universities.


The SLSFU currently has 211 research and instructional faculty and staff members, including 79 full professors, 64 associate professors and 15 administrators. Among them, there are 2 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 withthe title of National High-Level Introduced Talent, 10 winners of National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, 9 awarded the National Funds for Outstanding Youth, 20 withthe title of National High-Level Introduced Young Talent, 2 entering the National Youth Excellent(or Bajian拔尖 in Chinese) Talents Program, and 1 member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. In addition, we have 10 person-times of principle investigators of projects from the National Basic Research Program of China (a.k.a the 973 Program; such projects are multi-institutional, with funding of up to 30 millions Chinese Yuan), which manifests their leaderships in their respectively fields of research. We have 2 projects supported by the Funds of Creative Research Groups of China. There are 3 teaching faculty members awarded the National Labor Medal (the highest honor in China for laborers). Besides, we have 1 professor titled National Teaching Master(the highest honor in China for teachers) and 2 titled Teaching Masters of Shanghai.




In the last five years, the SLSFU faculty has undertaken the leadership or major roles in a number of state-funded research projects. Those funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology include 14 projects supported by The National High-Technology Research and Development Program (Project 863), 5 main projects, which involve 20 minor projects, supported by the National Basic Research Program (Project 973), 2 projects supported by National Science and Technology Major Projects for Major New Drugs Innovation and Development, 17 projects supported by National Science and Technology Major Projects for Major Special Projects on Infectious Diseases, 17 projects supported by National Science and Technology Major Projects for Major Transgenic Projects, 2 projects supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program. 2 Projects supported by the Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, In addition, 136 projects and 8 key projects have been supported by NSFC, 10 projects by the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, 7 projects by the National Science Foundation for Excellent Youth Scholars of China, and nearly 400 projects have been supported by provincial or ministerial institutions.


Also, the school faculty members were granted 2 second prizes (as the leading institute) of the National Natural Science Award, 1 second prize of the National Technological Invention, and more than 20 awards were granted by the centraland provincial governments or departments to which are affiliated. In the last five years, the SLSFU faculty members have published nearly 1500 papers in SCI journals, among which more than 30 papers have been published in top journals with SCI impact factor at 10 or greater, such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, Science, Nature Medicine, Nature communication, JCI and Herpetology.


International Cooperation

The school strives to promote international scientific exchange and cooperation, and its faculty members have interacted and collaborated with members of many leading international universities and research institutes. The school has organized a number of international conferences and has an international reputation in the field of life sciences.

