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13 May 2019


Chemistry, Department of


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The Department of Chemistry at Fudan University was founded in 1926. Aiming for a key center for cutting-edge chemistry research addressing the global challenges and cultivating the next generation scientific leaders, the Department has built its reputation as one of the prominent research hubs of chemistry in China in the past 93 years. The Departmentis engaged in five research areas including inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and chemical biology. In the Chemistry discipline, the Department was certified as the “National Key Discipline” by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and three of its five sub-disciplines, Physical Chemistry, InorganicChemistry, and Analytical Chemistry, were certified as the “National Key Sub-Disciplines”. 

The Department is one of the four core members of the 2011-Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (2011-iChEM), and it hosts Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology for Protein Research, and the Engineering Research Center of Innovative Scientific Instrument of MOE, and Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Industrial Asymmetric Catalysis of Chiral Drugs. Members of the Chemistry Department also act key roles in several interdisciplinary research centers at Fudan University, such as the Laboratory of Advanced Materials (LAM) and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (IBS). In addition, the Department owns the Experimental Center for Chemical Education (ECCE), which provides chemistry education for the whole university. The Department has a total lab and facility space of 18,000 sqaure meters for research and education. 

The Department has established world-class research focusing on chemistry for energy materials and chemistry for life and health. Its members have been awarded several important scientific awards including the Second Prize of National Natural Science Award, the Second Prize of National Award for Science and Technology Progress, and the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award. In 2019, Chemistry at Fudan University ranks 28th in QS and No. 30 in US News. According to the Essential Science Indicators®, as of March 2019, Chemistry at Fudan University is rated No. 41 in the world in terms of total citation numbers, and No. 1 in China in terms of average citation numbers per publication of 21.48. 

Currently, the Department has more than 186 employees, including 140 full-time teachers, 46 administrative staff and lab technicians. There are 72 professors, 70 associate professors, and 44 lecturers and staff, including 3 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 3 double-employed academicians, 3 chief scientists of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST), 21 recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. The faculty list also includes 7 winners of awards from the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, 1 Distinguished Professor of Fudan University.

The Chemistry Department offers bachelor degrees in three majors, chemistry, applied chemistry and energy chemistry, and it is also one of the earliest departments to offer Ph.D. and postdoctoral programs in the nation. Right now, around 400 undergraduates and 600 graduate students are studying in the Department. The Department offers 160 courses, in which the Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and General Chemistry are certified as Excellent Courses at either the state or Shanghai municipal level. The curriculum is being renovated to meet the 21st Century challenges. The quality, diversity and social responsibility of our chemistry education have been evidenced by numerous awards, including the Award for Excellent Instructing Team, the National Textbook Prize, 3 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Awards, and 3 Grand Prizes of National Challenge Cup.

Since 1952, the Department has been home to 7800 undergraduates, 1350 master students, and 750 Ph.D. students. 30 department faculty members and alumni have been elected as the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Since 2010, members of the Department have been awarded 940 research grants, with a total funding of RMB 834 million. About 3145 research papers have been published in the last 8 years. In 2018, the Department published 26 papers in Science, Nature Nanotechnol., Nature Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

With an international vision, the Department has reinforced many student exchange and research collaborations programs. Strategic agreements or MOUs with UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, and ParisTech have been signed, and around 100 undergraduates get the opportunities to visit top universities and research centers abroad every year. With the increase of academic influence, current faculty members serve as the editors-in-chief and associate editors in leading chemistry journals and board members of scientific organizations. Located in metropolitan Shanghai, the Chemistry Department has been a perfect place for many international conferences and meetings to further advance our chemistry research and education.

Riding on the crest of success, we have created a glorious present. We will continue to serve our community, fulfil our commitment to the society and beyond.

