Schools & Departments A-Z

13 May 2019


Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Department of (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences)


Ms. Ouyang Huiling 

Tel: +86-21-31248810

Email: [email protected]


The Institute of Atmospheric Sciences (IAS) and the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) were founded in April 2016 and in April 2018, respectively. Zhang Renhe, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, was appointed as the first dean of both IAS and AOS. 

The AOS and IAS are working together to promote the development of atmospheric sciences and oceanic sciences in Fudan University.

Subjects and Programs

The AOS/IAS works on the temporal-spatial variability of the atmosphere and ocean, mechanisms underlying these changes, and interactions between the hydrosphere, atmosphere and other components of the Earth system, with the aim to improve forecasts of weather, climate, ocean, and environment. Major research directions include:

Meteorology and Atmospheric Environment

This direction focuses on the formation and evolution mechanisms of extreme weather and climate events, and the connections and interactions between weather-climate variability and the atmospheric environment

Climate and Climate Change

This direction focuses on the interactions between the atmosphere and other components in the climate system (such as hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere and lithosphere), anthropogenic climate change, and theory and methodology of climate prediction and forecast.

Physical Oceanography and Marine Meteorology

This direction focuses on the characteristics and mechanisms of the multi-scale variability of physical oceanography and marine meteorology, processes of ocean dynamics and atmosphere-ocean coupling relevant to weather and climate, and forecasting and predictability of physical oceanography and marine meteorology.


The AOS/IAS offers undergraduate and graduate programs in atmospheric sciences.


The AOS/IAS currently has 22 full-time teaching faculty members, including 13 professors (2 of them are academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences), 1 associate professor, 1 research scientist, 5 young research scientists and 2 associate young research scientists.



Facts and Figures (As of April 2019)

Staff: 29

 Teaching faculty: 22

 Administrative staff: 7

Students: 54

 Undergraduates: 18

 Graduates: 36

Post-doc fellows: 13



