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13 May 2019


Higher Education, Research Institute for


Ms. Ding Yan

Tel: +86-21-65643183

Email: [email protected]


The Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE) was established in 1986. In 1996, RIHE was ratified to offer a master’s degree program in higher education. Over the past three decades, it has grown to be a multi-functional institution encompassing a research hub of educational theories and practices, a consultant for the major policy decisions of Fudan and governments of different levels and an academic unit that provides three academic master programs and one doctorate program.


Subjects and Programs

The masters degree programs include Higher Education, Educational Economics & Management, Curriculum and Instruction. The only one doctorate degree program of RIHE is called Educational Economics & Management.

The master program of Higher Education is designed to train researchers and specialists in higher education leadership and administration. It provides three program tracks called Higher Education Governance, Comparative Higher Education, Degree and Graduate Education. 31Credits are required.

The master program of Educational Economics & Management aims tocultivate professional researchers and practitioners in school management.It provides students with 11 courses of 31 credits. There are two program tracks called Comparative Economy, and Educational Management and Human Resource Development.

The master program of Curriculum and Instruction intends to develop researchers and specialists in curriculum and instructional leadership. The program tracks include Evaluation of Curriculum and Instruction, Comparative Curriculum. And 31 credits are required.

The doctorate program of Educational Economics & Management aims to cultivate research talents with a solid theoretical foundation and systematic expertise who can conduct high-level research independently on some major issues in this discipline. It offers three tracks, namely, Educational Economics and Policy, Higher Education Management, and Education Quality and Evaluation.



Currently, the institute has 14 full-time members in total: 13 academic staff and 1 office staff. Ten are doctoral degree holders.Our institute also recruits 8 adjunctprofessors from administrative divisions of Fudan and Shanghai Academy of educational Sciences to co-supervise students and delivery courses. They, together with the full-time faculties, have constituted a multidisciplinary team that studies both macro- and micro-issues and engages in relating research findings to educational practices.



The research of RIHE is focused on comparative higher education, higher education policy and governance. Nowadays it becomes more concerned withinstitutional Research, especially teaching and learning evaluation, pedagogy at higher education etc.


International Cooperation

It has built close relationships with education colleges or educational research agencies of more than 20 overseas universities in US, Canada, UK, Japan. We set up some university-level student exchange programs to send students to some universities in China Hong Kong and China Taiwan annually. Some of our faculty members also conduct joint research collaborating with Nordic universities andproduce co-publications with their US counterparts.    
