Schools & Departments A-Z

13 May 2019


Advanced Materials, Laboratory of (Technology Innovation Platform)


Address: 2205 Songhu Road, Shanghai, 200438

Tel: +86-21-31249902

Email: [email protected]


Established in April, 2005, the Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Fudan University (Technology Innovation Platform) is one of the key projects in the second phase of Project 985 of the Ministry of Education. It embraces the ideal of a united, open, sharing laboratory, building a first-class innovation team in the world through agreement-based contracts, project-based contracts and access and exit mechanisms. As a public platform and innovation base, the Laboratory is fully equipped with a complete set of functions, keeping ahead at the international frontier of advanced materials development and driven by the strategic needs of national development. Different from many other current national key laboratories and key subject clusters, the laboratory integratesresearch and studies, industrial application and talent cultivation in one place. Currently, the Laboratory is headed by Prof.Zhao Dongyuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Subjects and Programs

The Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Fudan University (Technology Innovation Platform) is committed to talent cultivation and graduate coaching, enrolling students through relevant academic schools and departments. The Lab has brought its advantages in innovation and interdisciplinary studies into full use and established a distinctive premium graduate education system with flowing output of outstanding researchers.



The Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Fudan University (Technology Innovation Platform) has over 60 researchers and technicians, including a number of world-renowned academic leaders and respected minds. We are joined by academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering as well as Chair Professors of Changjiang Scholars Program by the Ministry of Education and winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.



The Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Fudan University focuses on the frontier of advanced materials development, facilitating the accomplishment of goals in national development strategies. The Lab is committed to quantum control and molecular design, aiming at improving the design of materials synthesis, experiment preparation, performance evaluation and component invention and preparation, theory and demonstration of designs, and industrial application. We adopt a multi-disciplinary approach, assemble experts and resources across the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, materials, informatics, medicine and environment, and reorganize the research structure into micro&nano electronic materials, optoelectronic materials and components and functional molecular materials. We have also set up the Institute of New Energy which integrates multiple first-level disciplines to tackle global climate change.


International Cooperation

The Laboratory of Advanced Materials continuously strengthens international partnerships with prominent institutions in relevant areas, receiving leading scientists including Prof. Alan J. Hurd, President of Materials Research Society, Prof. Chad Mirkin, Prof. Omar Yaghi and Prof. Peidong Yang. It has been the organizer of influential conferences on materials such as the 5th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium and workshops such as the periodic FudanBerkeley Global Science Institute workshops, titled The Materials Beyond, where we are joined by scientists from the University of California, Berkeley.


