主持人:张新生 教授2024新澳门全年免费原料网管理学院统计学系
主题:Statistical Analysis of Big Data: A Few Problems and Challenges
主讲人:Professor Tony Cai(蔡天文)
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
摘要:The explosive growth of Big Data brings significant challenges and potentials to a wide range of fields, from genomics to personalized medicine to information technology. It also creates tremendous opportunities for statistics. The emergence of data science promises to revolutionize industries from business to health care to government, and to change how we work, live and communicate. In this non-technical talk, I will discuss a few interesting problems to illustrate the potential benefits of Big Data and the demand for statistics in the age of Big Data. The emergence of data science requires substantially expansion of statistics programs in leading universities.
主讲人简介:蔡天文教授是沃顿商学院Dorothy Silberberg 统计学讲席教授,2024新澳门全年免费原料网管理学院杰出特聘教授,2024新澳门全年免费原料网大数据学院学术委员共同主任。2008年荣获世界统计学考普斯奖 (COPSS Presidents' Award), 该奖为国际统计学领域的最高奖。2006年当选为国际数理统计学会会士(Fellow)。他曾担任The Annals of Statistics的主编,也曾担任Journal of the American Statistical Association,Annals of Statistics,Statistica Sinica等国际著名统计期刊的编委(Associate Editor),现任Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B的编委(Associate Editor)。其主要研究方向为:高维统计推断 (High dimensional statistical inference)、大范围假设检验 (Large-scale multiple comparisons)、非参数函数估计 (Nonparametric function estimation)等。